Postponing the wedding after the summer had aroused

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With very high odds, Michelle Hunziker will be a wet bride considering the weather forecast for today cheap navy blue bridesmaid dresses, the day chosen by the Swiss showgirl and her future husband, Tomaso Trussardi, to celebrate their wedding. In the afternoon latest cocktail dresses, precisely at 5 pm, the couple will say yes with a civil ceremony in front of the mayor of Bergamo, Giorgio Gori, in the splendid Sala dei Giuristi, in Piazza Vecchia. A splendid setting, for a ceremony that will formalize the relationship between the Hunziker and the managing director of Trussardi, father of his second - Sole - and of the child (apparently) that will be born at the beginning of next year. A marvelous marriage that, however, is accompanied by controversies of no small importance.

Let's go in order: the couple has requested and obtained permission from the Municipality of Bergamo to allow the approximately 250 wedding guests to park on the walls, on payment of the spaces. Andrea Tremaglia, a municipal councilor of Fratelli d'Italia, resident in Città Alta, criticizes the decision to grant 150 seats, calling it a "dangerous precedent" and issuing a statement.

Another fact on which there have been news, rumors, rumors about the wedding list, according to what the groom wrote on his Facebook profile, is silverware Dabbene in Milan between five thousand euro silver pots, a bucket of champagne from 400 euros, a pepper mill almost 300 euros and a spoon for the risotto of 320 euros. Very little for one of the most beautiful and acclaimed couples in the world of fashion and TV.

This marriage is the culmination of a consolidated relationship that Michelle strenuously defended even when there seemed to be shadows in her relationship with Tomaso. Postponing the wedding after the summer had aroused not a few perplexities on the motivations: a presumed and contradicted crisis.

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